Fair use for screenshots of platforms or brand name products for reference in an onl
Fair use for screenshots of platforms or brand name products for reference in an onl

Hi all,

Hope I can get some help with this question for anyone that sells online courses.

I'm wondering what the legalities are around using screenshots of platforms and products within the educational context in a paid course.

A quick Google showed me this https://psu.libanswers.com/faq/333836, which says that fair use is heavily in the favor of screenshots for educational purposes as they fall under "transformative use".

Example: Screenshotting/screensharing a brand name product to refer to it in historic context, or of a platform to describe how to use them.

If anything, I feel like this is free promotion for the product/platform.

From my understanding, the only reason there would be copyright infringement is if I were pretending to be such brand/platform and having monetary gain for that reason.

Any thoughts?


submitted by /u/broseidonswrath
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