I want to stop working for one of my 2 clients
I want to stop working for one of my 2 clients

I'm a front-end freelancer right now

So the story is this: 2.5 years ago I started working for my second client. It was for much more money but I liked the project I've been working on for my first client so I kept him as well even if the pay was less but was working more for him

Right now I'm working 4 hours for my first client and 6 for my second. The second client pays me hourly while my first client pays me a fixed rate that is basically still the same rate but I still get paid if I take a day off

Now, the 2nd client invited me in their country to meet. I went, and basically they asked me how I feel with them, with the team (they are a startup so recently they hired new guys). Tl;Dr; the discussion went great and they asked me how I feel about committing 100% with them. Also they mentioned that the interview process I came up with had a good impact so they adjusted the interviews for the other parts of the project as well, which is nice to hear

I am not opposed to the idea of working a normal 8hr/day now because I also have a side project that I want to work on and my first client's project is very stagnant and I am forced to work on old code with 0 time spent on improving it and I see no traction to the project. It works well enough and I still like it but I don't like that I'm doing the exact same thing for more than 1.5 years

So, part of my reason of keeping the 2 clients was the money. I have plans in my personal life that requires time and money.

The 2nd client did not mention anything about Financials in our meet but from my calculations they would need to supplement my hourly rate with about 10 euros /hr in order for me to keep the same income, which is kind o a bump so I am not expecting them to go for that much.

I would want to ask my first client to let me hire a guy to work for him. This way I get some money from my first client offsetting the difference I would get from the 2nd client not being able to go for 10 more euros /hr But i will need to make sure that it won't eat more of my time with this new guy scenario

So I'm not sure how to go about this. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/capraruioan
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