Sales drying up
Sales drying up

Hi guys. So let me get straight to the point. Me and some friends have a startup that CURRENTLY (we are planning on changing this in the future hence the emphasis) focuses on creating animated videos of any length with different "departments" (let's be honest here, we just separated that cause we want to feel big) catering to different industries, our biggest focus and hit being blockchain. So, we were going extremely strong and had an influx of clients with even 5-6 a month coming in (for a small team that's big) and most of them were local. So what happens is, the local pool kinda dried up since they mostly stick to that one video (some are recurring of course) and now we need to look towards new horizons. And while email campaigns and cold calling worked here (I think it's just cause it was untapped here), everywhere else is a problem. We tried different tactics (LinkedIn, Upwork, etc.) to get in touch with people, we even lowered our prices below market standard but it's still kind of a struggle.

My question is if you are in the field of marketing, how exactly do you get international companies to come in short of pretending to be a local or something? Is there some tactic we are missing, or is it just a run of bad luck? Is it mistrust of foreign companies? I'm open to hearing all and any tips

submitted by /u/lordfluffycus
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