Should you hire a professional designer/copywriter for your website?
Should you hire a professional designer/copywriter for your website?

I think it's an interesting topic to discuss. I want to share my opinion, and I am curious what other business owners have to say.

Previously I have been working on several ideas, and for all of them, I created landing pages on my own from scratch. In most cases, it took significantly more time than I expected, and I was not very happy with the results. It worked but wasn't looking as good as I wanted it to be. As a result, I decided to give it a try and hire professionals for our last and current project.

Why I'm thinking hiring a professional might be a good idea:

  • When you're working with someone and going to pay him/her, you are taking the scope of work more seriously. You spend more time thinking about the website's structure, what message you want to send to the audience, and even take deadlines more seriously.
  • When you explain your ideas to someone else, you get a chance to take a look at the project with their eyes (and practice pitching your project to others!)
  • It takes you less time. Seriously, before, I'd spend weeks on website design and content, and now I can focus more on the project itself.
  • Again, it takes less time. For me, it means there is less chance I will give up on this idea and start working on something else before I see the first results. I don't know how often you find yourself in this situation, but I know the anxiety about the existing unfinished project and new idea for a new project too well ?


  • It cost you money. And finding someone you'll be comfortable working with will take you time and, probably, more money. At first, I tried to save some money and hired freelancers whose services cost me cheaper. But in the end, I wasn't very happy with their work either, so now I believe it's worth spending more on someone professional and confident that their effort is worth the price they charge.

As an example, I want to share two websites: one I built on my own and the other with the help of a professional copywriter and designer (I know I'm terrible in design, but I did my best!)

This website I did on my own

This website was built with the help of a designer and copywriter

What do you think should business owners do a website of their project on their own or hire a professional even for a side business ? What's your experience with that?

submitted by /u/OneMoreSuperUser
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