What are some things you're struggling to automate or streamline?
What are some things you're struggling to automate or streamline?

I'm looking for example use cases to create simple how to's for using free/cheap SaaS apps for small businesses. I used to be the "go to tech guy" but ended up getting promoted to executive. Now I rarely or never get to scratch my itch of solving problems by playing with the latest and greatest tech tools. I miss that, and want to get into it again, and am looking for things to build for others.

I'm not charging anything for it, not looking for anything in return. Not making promises either. But if you're struggling to find time or don't know how to use tools like SharePoint, Trello, AirTable, IFTTT, or anything else - let me what it is.

Some examples:

- I just built an inventory and product management app using AirTable for my partner's Etsy shop

- Posting saved Reddit posts to LinkedIn for streamlined content generation

- Using Power Automate to handle approvals in SharePoint

submitted by /u/acidplasm
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