Need Advice. College Freshman - Started an Online Business.
Need Advice. College Freshman - Started an Online Business.

Hello, entrepreneurs of Reddit.

I am a freshman in college, and I recently started a company selling a mask accessory we invented and patented.

Our first week was awesome! A couple thousand dollars in revenue on our online store felt really good. But then things began to slow down. We have tried reaching out to Instagram influencers, but they have been unresponsive. Getting into retail has been difficult. We have tried Facebook Ads, but we can't seem to get them to go through.

We need marketing, badly. If anyone has any tips to get the word spread, I'd be much obliged. I'm putting my faith in you Reddit!

Anyway, if you've stuck around this long, here is our website:

Give it a look and share your thoughts, critiques, and advice

submitted by /u/charlesrickets
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