Hi, I'm looking for a little advice if possible. I'm wanting to start a business with the skills I have but have no idea what I could do with them.
I have run a business for the last 12 years where I make, fix and modify gaming controllers. Its very slow most of the time though so I need something new.
I have just completed a couple of courses, IPC 7711/7721 (Rework, repair and modification of pcbs) and IPC A-610 (basically covering the standards of pcb work) . The 610 course was just reading from the book but the 7711/7721 is practical and its here I realised I have some skills with this, out of the 20 people in the class, I was miles ahead skill wise.
I thought of starting a business where I buy faulty electronics and fix them but it looks like a minefield and would end up a severe headache. Plus, not much of a business.
So I'm really at a loss of where to go with this.
My skills: Pcb rework Pcb modification Pcb repair I'm an expert at soldering! ? Microchip programming (far from an expert) Photoshop Basically anything pc related from building to maintaining/fixing problems.
Any help or tips are greatly appreciated.
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