Flat rate CC processing (2.3%) vs membership+interchange?
Flat rate CC processing (2.3%) vs membership+interchange?

Hello all I currently process an average of $5000 a month in credit card payments. My PayPal agreement is 2.3% flat + some change.

I calculated an average 2.5% fee I pay per month, or $125 a month.

I found a company called “andprocessing” that charges $19 per month and wholesale (interchange) fee+15 cents per transaction.

I’m a bit ignorant about calculating these rates myself as PayPal isn’t very transparent on my transaction information.

Is there a way to calculate this myself?

For example if I had say 200 transaction with an average value of $25 a ticket, I’d be paying $30 in transaction fees, $19 for the membership. That leaves a difference of $76 of what I’m paying now.

Do you think In this scenario I’d be saving money with the latter?

I don’t really know how to extrapolate the types of cards used in the PayPal portal to do deeper research myself

submitted by /u/Delumine
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