Need to make a list of 1000+ startup ideas to see which is worth doing
What are some based on my concerns & interests?
Lots of places in the past were worst and very bad, and I guess it's not* worthwhile to find what are some of the worst civs and societies historically based on what most notable ppl thought. I do not like the current overall state of this world, and I believe the majority (>50%) of the world population is also unhappy with how this world is
Theres 3 biggest problem that really irks me:
1) Excessiveness
This world is incredibly commercialized that leads to alot of excessiveness that isn't needed in this world, and all of this is incredibly wasteful, a large amount doesn't do any good in this world
Theres an extreme amount of problems in this world and very few or nobody are taking care of any of them cos of most ppl are wasting their lives on all the excessiveness
And there are many other harms in addition that comes from all this excessiveness
2) Mega-controlled
A large portion of this world is heaveily controlled by a few group of ppl. Ya it was worst back then when there were fewer ppl or a single human that controlled everything, and everyone
Technology sites are good and can be helpful, but currently like all? things, its mega controlled by a few
Mega-controlled is fine if the humans had the best interest of other humans at mind and hearrt, but they dont, almost all of them are greedy ppl unlike the fewer humans proportionally that arent greedy
Mega-controlled is harmful for many reasons but maybe one of the biggest one is that it creates a harmful norm and status quo. Theres good complexity and theres bad complexity. Most complexity in this world is bad because its not well done. Complexity would be fine if it was done well, but most things aren't done well and that is the core/fundamental problem. Systems are created by those humans.
3) Lack of kindness
- Pretty much all of the problems is because of most ppl in this world. That's why it's like this. Making the world better is one of the (few) worthwhile goals in life i believe. (And general ignorance and lack of knowledge)
These are just off the top of my brain, I dont think there are any bigger core/fundamental probelms than these 3. Are there any? And why?
Anything that do not lead to any of the good outcomes above is not worthwhile to do in life for me. I don't currently think that Machine learning is a good or a worthwhile endeavour in this world. Machine learning would not lead to any of the good outcomes above, it would not fix or make better any of the core/fundamental probelms said. I dont remember which of the billionares said this, but its multiple, but theres others that said the opposite. I don't know which is the majority view when considering most of the notable ppl
The current world is ugly, but I get that it was much worst in the past. What is thought by notable ppl, past present etc, to be some of the worst civs and societies historically? And why, need to know why
I don't know how anyone could reasonably be happy with the state of this world. There are a few countries/places that do seem better and there is the possibility of moving there in future
Are there any sites that I'd be interested in? Just link
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