am I doing it wrong?
am I doing it wrong?


We have been building MVP since July and we are close to finishing it this week.

My Co-Founders are asking me to launch asap we finish the MVP because they say "We need to test the clients' reaction", and yet I'm asking them to delay it 1 week so I can establish Facebook pixel and email workflows automation so we can automate the process of emailing and make targeting & retargeting the visitors and converting them into leads, much easier for us.

My question is, am I overcomplicating it? or I'm doing it correctly.


Regarding the clients, we already onboarded a huge client in September and we have been taking his note since then.

Thank you all for your feedback and I really appreciate it, I'll launch the fuck out of it this week.

Wish me luck Big Grin

submitted by /u/KermitTheFrom
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